The ISO 16750 3 vibration test describes the definition, general regulations and prevailing tests and requirements for possible mechanical environmental stresses on electrical and electronic systems and components mounted directly on or within road vehicles. The ISO 16750 3 vibration test takes into account the performance of on-board electrical and electronic equipment under different vibration intensifies. To this end, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers are advised to select the most appropriate test method, temperature and vibration parameters for the specific installation location of the equipment.
For some tests in the ISO 16750 3 standard, IEC 60068-2-6 vibration tests will be performed.
Test I – Equipment mounted on the engine or transmission. Sinusoidal vibration is caused by unbalanced mass forces. Random noise vibrations are attributed to all other vibration sources, for example, closing valves.
Sine tests are performed in accordance with IEC 60068-2-6. The duration of the test for each plane was 94 hours. Random vibration tests are performed in accordance with IEC 60068-2-64. The duration of the test for each plane was 94 hours. An additional 32 hours of testing is required for each critical plane of the device under test with a natural frequency of < 30 Hz.
Test II – Equipment mounted on spring mass (body). Due to the rough road surface, the vibration on the spring mass is random, and the vibration test must comply with IEC 60068-2-64. For each test plane, the test duration was 32 hours.
Test III – Equipment mounted on the cab of a detached commercial vehicle. The vibration test is carried out according to IEC 60068-2-64, and each plane of the tested part is tested for 32 hours.
Test VI – Equipment mounted on non-suspension masses (wheels, wheel suspensions). Random vibration tests were carried out, and sine tests were also carried out at room temperature. The sinusoidal test was carried out on the vibration testing equipment with a test frequency of 35 Hz.
Test I – Equipment mounted directly on the engine. The vibration of piston engines can be divided into two types: sinusoidal vibration and random noise vibration.Sinusoidal vibration is caused by unbalanced mass forces in the cylinder. This vibration can be tested according to IEC 60068-2-6 with a test time of 22 hours per plane.
Test II – Equipment mounted on the gearbox.Similar to test I, the vibration of the gearbox is divided into sinusoidal vibration and random noise. Sinusoidal vibration is caused by unbalanced mass forces. Random noise is produced by the friction of the gears
Test III – Equipment is mounted on a flexible pressure chamber, but not rigidly secured. The vibration at this installation position is a sine wave. These vibrations are mainly caused by intake air pulsation.For test III, the test was conducted for 22 hours per aircraft in accordance with IEC 60068-2-6.
JOEO vibration testing equipment conforms to IEC 60068-2-6,ISO 16750 3 vibration testing standard and can accurately simulate the vibration test of any vehicle and on-board equipment. Contact us for a free test solution.